Guide to Get More Traffic to Your Blog from Flipboard

MagMaker / August 26, 2015

Increasingly, we hear that Flipboard is an important referral of traffic for bloggers. With 34,000 topics scanning 21 million magazines curated from articles on Flipboard as well as all over the Web, there are many opportunities for bloggers to get surfaced in front of an audience that’s interested in the very thing you’re writing about.

So, how can you take advantage of this potential new traffic source?

Just flip your posts into a Flipboard Magazine.

By flipping your own content into a magazine, you not only create a beautiful, syndicatable package of stories, but also you’re helping the stories to be seen in topic feeds. Why? Because flips (as well as comments, likes, shares and views) are a signal to our system that this content is likely to be good. The higher those interactions, the more likely the content will be surfaced in topics.

It’s also important that your magazine has a strong title and description. The more information, or metadata, there is associated with your magazine, the more likely it will be discovered and surfaced by our topic engine.

The next step is to build up an audience of highly engaged readers for your magazine. You can do this by…

  • Promoting your magazine on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
  • Inviting co-contributors—since each co-contributor adds his/her readership and network to the mix.
  • Creating an engaging profile so people follow you and learn about all your magazines. This amplifies the network effect.
  • Adding a short comment when you flip. Not only does this add value to your curation, but it also draws attention to your post since comments are emphasized in our layouts on phones.
  • Building reciprocal relationships with other MagMakers:
    a) find magazines to follow and perform social actions, such as re-flips, likes and comments. This will appear in other people’s notification streams, so they will check you out and hopefully follow you back.
    b) follow topics and then you will see related magazine recommendations in your Cover Stories—which then makes it easier to do a) above and repeat the virtuous cycle.

Related magazine recommendation

If you’re seeing an uptick of traffic from Flipboard, we’d love to hear your story. Please tweet to us @FlipboardMag.

~BorisA is curating Great ideas