Enter Tomorrowland Today

Inside Flipboard / November 2, 2012


When eight members of Tomorrow magazine’s staff had been laid off from another publication earlier in the year, they didn’t wallow…at least not for long. The editorial collective launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new project—a one-shot magazine about creative destruction.

Well, Tomorrow is here today, on Flipboard, as part of our new program to find and fund interesting publishing projects via Kickstarter. Inside, you’ll find articles that mirror the magazine’s own genesis as a don’t-let-’em-get-you-down vehicle in tough times. Pieces are about people who, like Tomorrow’s writers, “hit the reset button on their lives”—Kenyan prostitutes, boy-band fan-fic writers, Jewish convert bloggers, and new-wave pop starlets.

Flip through what’s sure to be a unique read because after this issue, only tomorrow knows what the Tomorrow gang will do next.

Click here to see Tomorrow magazine on Flipboard.
