Now you have their undivided attention.
Sensational on every platform
Beautiful fullscreen native and display advertising for iPhone, iPad and Android. Your creative campaigns will live within the content that your audience is passionate about, without distraction or clutter.

Clicks Quality
Now more than ever, people are looking for ways to reclaim their time and attention, separate the signal from the noise and enrich their lives. We work with over 4,000 of the world’s best publishers and an editorial team that hand-curates content around the clock to produce a 100% brand-safe environment that values quality over quantity.
Audience+ Mindset= Brand Love
Flipboard’s discerning audience in this receptive mindset delivers a unique opportunity to create brand love. And the results speak for themselves:
+100% Awareness
+50% Purchase Intent
Over Industry Benchmarks
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Unparalleled Ad Experience
Whether you are interested in video, content or beautiful display ads, we present your brand in the most uncluttered, premium environment anywhere online.
Get your brand noticed among 400 world world-class publishers:
Get your brand noticed among 400 world world-class publishers:
Brand Guidelines
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Ad Specs
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Media Kit
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Ad Specifications
Get billboard impact on the small screen with Flipboard's full-page ad space for iPad, iPhone and Android.
Brand guidelines
Find logos, assets and other useful brand resources.
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Flipboard Media Kit
Download our latest media kit full of everything you need to know—from audience to our best-in-class ad products.